Monday, November 14, 2011

One hurdle hopped...

OK, the home study is completely, utterly DONE.  Woo hoo!

That means we sent our I600a application to US Immigration today, along with a personal letter with a picture of Alex, and a medical expedite form from our family physician.  This ultimately is permission to allow a foreign orphan into the USA.  It will involve fancy-smancy fingerprints taken in St Paul.  This is part of the waiting game--we hope this moves relatively quickly.

Also requested a new criminal background check, since the one our home study did used the name Windley Daoust -- that is, they missed the hyphen.  Yes, this paperwork is THAT detail oriented.  I mean, we are the ONLY family of Windley-Daousts on earth.  It ought to be pretty easy to realize its the same couple, right?  Oh well, it's irrelevant: they set the hurdles, and we jump them.  Period.  There are worse things than paperwork.

And those of you in the know about adoption changes in Alex's home country--we re-did the CSPs to match the newly named department that handles adoptions.  They are off to get apostilled.  So that continues as well!

It's not terribly interesting, but there it is: more paperwork put in the "OUT" box.  Someday, there won't be anything left in the "IN" box!  I can't tell you how much I look forward to that day!
