Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Losing teeth , first cold (here), learning English. And how are YOU?

Hi everyone.  Susan here.

We went to Prairie du Chein, Wisconsin, for a couple of nights in a spurt of high hopes for a family vacation.  Well, it had some very good moments, and we remarked later that Alex was a trooper for most of it (although he never slept to speak of).  We visited some "online friends" on the way (that's always fun), and got there Sunday evening.  Of course, we left the diaper bag at our friends' house an hour away.  Of course.  Otherwise, we found out Alex likes Chinese buffets just fine.

The snack is possibly the only redeeming aspect of a nature hike for Alex!

The waterpark--kinda cool, kinda scary!

Monday we went to Pikes Peak state park in Iowa, a couple of minutes away.  A gorgeous park.  It has a stunning view of the junction of the Mississippi and Wisconsin rivers.  We managed to hike one of the trails with Alex in a stroller.  Those stairs were fun, but Jerry was not to be dissuaded (and Alex thought the stairs were bumpy and hysterical).

Then we had a picnic at the Prairie du Chein park, and went back to the hotel.  We had found a hotel with two rooms--a main one with a King bed and kitchenette and a room attached with two bunk beds.  It was surprisingly reasonable too.  But the reason the kids really wanted to go--the hotel had a small water park.

The other hit of the trip was watching the Olympics, which had just started.  We don't have TV at home, so the kids really got into it.  OK, me too.  Julia thought water polo was really boring though.

A trip to the National Effigy Mounds monument in Iowa and more swimming rounded out the trip.  I don't know that Alex really enjoyed it, per se, but he didn't hate it and seemed to enjoy being with us for this little adventure.  And he was happy to be home at the end (me too).

Beyond that, we've haven't updated much because someone or other has been sick.  Matthew had a nasty ear infection, Alex caught a cold, Jerry was sick.... Alex did manage to lose his bottom two front teeth.  The first one, we don't even know when he lost it--we just noticed one day it was gone.  The second I saw him lose as I was helping him eat, and saved that one.  I think the tooth fairy is going to have to hold one to get this one, given I don't even know how to explain a tooth fairy to him yet!

Alex seems to be doing better every week.  Our last trip to the PT provider was very affirming, because she had not seen him in two weeks, and was thrilled with the progress he had made in that time.  For example, we got him to tailor sit by himself briefly, and stand with his heels down with support, although that is not yet the norm.  She clearly likes Alex and is very happy with his progress so far.  He should be getting braces next week.  Also, Alex has been very affectionate toward Jerry and me (especially Jerry--what a daddy's boy he is).  One time I saw Jerry holding Alex in his lap, and Alex was looking at Jerry with absolute unfiltered adoration.  My goodness.
Tailor sitting without support.

Alex also has had a language explosion--he is saying more and more in English, almost always one word requests, but sometimes a couple of words together.  Honestly, I can't even list all the words at this point.  Yesterday I was changing him and he was clearly asking for the word for my coat (it was chilly)--"shirt?"  No shirt.  Coat.  "Coat.  Coat."  Points at shirt--"shirt."

Jerry interjects: I can list a lot of the words he says! Please, kiss, no, yes, stop, go, eat, sleep, push, swing, slide, walk, ball, balloon, shirt, socks, play, all done, music, open, sit, amen, and much, much more! His latest cute trick is folding his hands for prayer and very enthusiastically shouting, "Amen!" 

On the more mundane front, we continue to slog through the paperwork morass.  My spiritual director reminded me once that God, being omnipotent, can even work through bureaucracies.  Well, you may want to pray for that, because we still don't have a certificate of citizenship or social security number.  And we need one or the other, preferably both!, asap.

It looks like we will have a series of appointments at Gillette Children's Specialty Hospital in St Paul in late August, although that isn't set in stone.

Things keep moving, we keep trying to get some sleep.  On that note!  Have a good night, everyone!


  1. He's so cute. You can really see the glow starting to shine through.

    WTG on talking, Alex!

  2. God bless you all. I am praying with you every step of the way. What joy it is to watch this unfold. To think that it was not so long ago that he was just the little boy seen in the upper right sidebar photo. Now he is in your family.

    My prayers are for all of you- including your other children. This must be a huge adjustment for everyone, but what an experience. Again - God bless you all.

  3. I love watching Alex adapt and change. It is a blessing for me. Thanks for sharing so much. I really enjoyed the video and listening to the music and hearing Alex mimic your words. He's really getting it. I'm praying that all of you get good sleep.
