Monday, July 16, 2012

Sweet story alert

Today, I was playing with Alex in the (thank goodness) air-conditioned living room when Julia came up to me, weepy and frustrated.  When I put Alex on the couch and sat and listened to Julia, I mentioned to Alex with concern: "Look.  Julia's sad.  Julia's crying."  (Trying to get him to recognize emotions properly, plus the English words).  I immediately noticed Alex pulling her shirt.  Then he made his kissing sound to the air. When I realized he was trying to kiss her, I explained that to the still weepy Julia and she bent her face down for a kiss, which he gave her.  Then, since she was closer to him, he began gently patting her shirt. 

Oh. My. Gosh.  I teared up.  And praised Alex and told Julia what a great gift she received--I do believe she is the first person he has tried to comfort.

Later tonight, I was putting him to bed, and he wanted kisses--me to kiss him.  It was so sweet.  And a first.  We've kissed him goodnight but it hasn't usually seemed to click.  I'm not saying it seems to click all the time now, but he seems to have crossed a hurdle that way.



  1. Oh sweet boy. You are starting to get a glimpse of that sweet spirit hidden behind his smile!

  2. So wonderful, such a great sign!!!!!

  3. Oh my gosh, that was seeing grace...

  4. You're right, that was a sweet story. So happy for Alex!

  5. Hello to you! I've so loved following your blog and couldn't help but respond: because of my profession, I know what a truly amazing and important development this is. A sweet story, for sure, but SO much more than that. How wonderful!
