Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Christmas present for Alex's orphanage?

Sorry we haven't updated as much recently...we have photos, we have news...what we lack, especially during the holiday season, is time!

I did want to briefly share with you our plans to make a small monetary donation to Alex's orphanage, to be used as the director sees fit. You might recall that the money we donated out of Alex's state-sponsored fund was used for meat and seven real windows, to keep out the freezing cold. There are millions, if not billions, of needy people in the world, and many worthy causes. We happen to have a personal connection to these children, so we will do what we can.

We are not actively fundraising for this, but if anyone wants to "add on" to our contribution, please feel free to do so. We are currently waiting to get the okay to move forward from the team in Ukraine. We hope to have something to them by Jan. 7, the date for Orthodox Christmas this year. If you'd like to participate in this, please drop us a line or leave a comment on this post.


  1. How timely...I was just trying to figure out which organization the Windly-Daousts would most appreciate a gift donation for this Christmas. Count the Donahues in!

    1. Hi Jean...thanks! It looks like this is a go, so go ahead and send along whatever amount you care to add, and we will pass it along.

  2. I can't do much, but I would like to do a little something to help out. I think that Susan has my email, and if not, she can get me via FB for details. (This comment comes via my work email, and I won't be here all the time during Christmas etc.)
