Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Celebrating Alex's seventh birthday with four videos

In celebration of Alex's seventh birthday, four videos of the birthday boy in full thrall.

To start off, here he is in bed in the morning, in a good mood:

And then getting off the bus, with a birthday hat from school, and with two of his PCAs to greet him, along with a new babysitter and family members -- a regular old party down on the curb (I just love these helpers of his, by the way!):

And singing the birthday song:

And finally, a video from earlier -- him practicing his colors. He is learning to count and to identify letters as well:


  1. Love that guy! Thanks for sharing.

  2. He is just looking so good!! From an unloved orphan to the center of a loving family! Praise the Lord!!!

  3. what a honey! I just want to give him a hug!

  4. I love how he told you the M&M was yellow. He seems to have a good pincer grasp too. M&Ms are good for so many things! He seems to be getting stronger, I noticed him shifting to get more upright in his seat on his own. Watching him grow is such a pleasure. Thanks!
