Saturday, March 31, 2012

And then, a bed, and a couple of puzzles, and febreze, and dried soup, and detergent sheets.

I want to pack.  Pack, pack, pack.  So I started getting travel items at Target and the dollar store.  We're trying to keep it cheap and light (we've been warned about hauling luggage here and there and everywhere with no ramps, often to fifth floor apartments--nary an elevator in sight--um, see how challenging this country is for people in wheelchairs?  Mind you, I understand they have been in an economic mess for 20 years if not more, but it does underline one reason why we are going there.

Did you know you could buy detergent sheets--throw in a sheet in a washer (or a sink of water) with clothes and there is your soap?  Pretty darn cool.  And yes, you can buy detergent in Alex's home country.  It's just that everything apparently costs about the same as it does here, so it makes sense to go ahead and pack a few things you know you'll need anyway.  And we'll be on the move a bit (capital, region, capital again)...liquid detergent doesn't travel well.

Jerry went out and bought a new mattress today, to fit under Ben's loft, on top of a bedframe.  It looks very nice, is easy enough to access, and I think it will be pleasant for him.  We transferred our 2 yr old to his sisters' room for now--which he really likes.  He's pretty attached to everyone, but his 6 yr old sister is special in some ways, the closest to him in age.

With a friend's help, we did a deep cleaning of the kitchen today...and got halfway through.  Sigh.

Spring cleaning, making room, considering what to pack...could a travel date be too far ahead?

Have a blessed Holy Week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I'm getting so excited for you guys, so excited to meet this new nephew! And, I bet Mudpuppy (I can't spell alleluia, well, maybe I can!) will be happy to have one more sibling close to him in age!
