Friday, April 11, 2014

Alex's new best friend . . . Carter the therapy dog!

Alex's teacher trains therapy dogs, and today one of them, Carter, came for a visit. Alex was scared of him at first (his normal reaction around dogs), but quickly warmed up, thanks to the expert help of his teacher and EA. Here is the note that his teacher sent with the video: "Here is the video of Alex and Carter.  I am amazed at how quickly Alex became comfortable with him.  I loved watching Alex handle the leash.  Too bad I don't have video of him walking Carter."

Apparently Alex "walked the dog" during recess by holding onto the leash. I put that in quotes because Alex came home talking about walking the dog, but in reality it sounds like the dog walked him, pulling him all over the playground! Anyway, here is the video of Alex petting the dog in the classroom:

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