Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Gotcha Day Times Two

Monday was Gotcha Day! We are sweating like crazy in our hot, humid apartment, and have our hands full with Alex, so just a few pictures....a more detailed account when we get home:

Saying goodbye to a nanny

Susan and Alex with our facilitator, Luda, and the orphanage director, Tatiana,
and the orphanage doctor.

A tearful goodbye with an orphanage nanny outside the gates

In the car on the way to Kiev. Susan and I switched spots halfway through.

In our Kiev apartment

It was also "Gotcha Day" for our new nephew, Dominic, whose survival was questioned due to birth is doing much better than the doctors thought he would, and mom is having a tough recovery but otherwise doing well...their family, like ours, has received absolutely amazing support from their community.

Hooray for friends, families, and good people coming together to do something beautiful for these children!


  1. Does Dominic have a blog by any chance? Praying for you guys and for him and his family!

  2. So happy for you!!! Alex looks so happy!!! And you look radiant, Susan! We are continuing to pray for all of you, and are lifting up sweet Dominic and his family in prayer also.

  3. Nice pictures! Can't wait for Alex to get home!

  4. I am saying prayers for you and Alex and Dominic and his parents.

  5. May God Bless both Alex and Dominic with a good life and health.I will keep bpth of them and you all in my prayers!
