Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Alex gets a major grant

As we already announced on Facebook, today we received word that Alex is receiving a major grant...enough to top out his Reece's Rainbow adoption fund. This is really good news, because it allows us to move forward with the adoption as quickly as possible, without being distracted by fundraising...or worrying that a lack of funding would delay the adoption. We still need to raise money for our pre-adoption expenses; however, the many generous gifts we've received so far should be enough to pay for the release of the home study (half the home study fee is paid up front, half at completion). We've received donations from almost 40 people so far! Moving this adoption along has truly been a community effort.

The grant comes from a charitable foundation operated by the son of some long-time friends. These same friends were instrumental in helping to co-found our local Catholic Worker houses, which have provided food, shelter, and friendship to those who need it for the past twenty years. Their son also helped to fund the adoption of Anthony (another five-year-old boy for whom we were advocating, and whose adoptive parents are waiting to receive their travel date). (This will be their last Reece's Rainbow grant, as the focus of their foundation actually lies elsewhere.) We're deeply grateful for their help.

As I type this, Susan is busily setting up a new scanner/fax machine in order to fax the first of many documents to our stateside coordinator. There are so many documents to be faxed for the dossier that we were actually advised that purchasing a cheap fax machine would be cheaper than paying to have them faxed at the local copy shop. The other day we sat in a cubicle at our great hometown bank having document after document notarized according to very exacting standards (not upside down! not double-stamped! not crossing any lines!). Today Susan was back at the bank getting a letter indicating that. yes, we really do own our home. Amazing. Three cheers to Susan -- and to Nancy, our stateside coordinator -- for taking on the brunt of the paperwork.

Please keep Alex -- and all children living in precarious situations -- in your prayers.

- Jerry


  1. Jerry that is wonderful news. It is a very big job you have to do, but I hope for Alex's sake, things go quickly and as smoothly as possible.

  2. Amazing news! I love watching God's hand at work in each adoption - confirmation that he calls just the right family forward for each child in need. Oh, that more would answer that call. Praying for speedy paperwork - and, yes, Nancy is beyond amazing!
