Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New pictures of Alex

We got a number of new pictures of Alex yesterday; these were taken in the last few days, at his new institution. As you can see, he's smiling (as usual!).


  1. Oh my word! It is SO good to see new pictures of him! He is looking older. Glad to see him smiling (of course!). :)

  2. I will 'try' not to comment on everything you post but really, I think that is a lost cause.

    This boy is so handsome. you are so blessed. He is going to change the world.

  3. Oh how I love the photos - can't wait to see more!

  4. He is sooo stinking cute! Ah! Love this boy.

  5. I am so happy to meet Alex's family. Amber's efforts make me think of him often. Praise be to God!

  6. Congratulations on your new son! I found your blog through Joanna. Just wanted you to know I am praying for your adoption and so excited for little Alex to finally have a family!

    Blessings, Sharon

  7. Alex has a family!!! YEAH!!! We are in the process of adopting "Easton" but have been praying for Alex for soooooo long and seeing him with a family has made our whole day! He is even more handsome (if that is possible0 in the new pictures.

  8. Thanks everyone. We're thrilled too! (and exhausted....)

  9. Alex is SOOOO Cute! Such a happy smiley boy!!! So glad he will soon be surrounded by love!
